Adela uraste sa se trezeasca devreme, iar in weekend-uri il cheama mereu pe Cosmin inapoi in pat sa il invete cum se doarme, insa nici dupa 8 ani nu a reusit inca. Ea devine in fiecare luni un om nou, pana maxim miercuri, pentru ca tentatiile, in special cele culinare, sunt prea mari. Isi promite de fiecare data ca o sa isi cumpere haine vesele, insa mereu se intoarce de la shopping cu haine negre. Adelei ii este mereu frig, iar Cosmin este cel mai bun calorifer. Ea adora sa il bata pe Cosmin la boardgames, iar competitivitatea dintre ei devine din ce in ce mai acerba de la an la an. In afara de Cosmin mai iubeste serialele, in dictionar la cuvantul “binging” fiind poza ei.
Adela hates to wake up early, and on weekends she always calls Cosmin back to bed to teach him how to sleep, but she couldn’t do it, not even after 8 years. She becomes a new person each Monday until Wednesday, because the temptations, especially the culinary ones, are too big. She promises herself every time she’s going to buy cheerful clothes, but she always comes back from shopping with black clothes. Adela is always cold, and Cosmin is the best heater. She loves to beat Cosmin at boardgames, and their competitiveness is becoming more and more fierce each year. Apart from Cosmin, she loves watching shows, in the dictionary, at the word “binging” appears her picture.
Cosmin never has what to wear and is always dissatisfied with his haircut. The only thing he’s happy with are his colorful socks, which are never missing, not even when wearing a suit. He’s a foodie, though you can’t tell, and sometimes he wakes up at night to have a sweet snack. Cosmin is not Cosmin until he drinks his coffee, and the best coffee is the one he enjoys with Adela, in the morning, in traffic, on their way to work. He never makes mistakes, every time being the fault of the circumstances. Adela and Cosmin always find new caress names and they think the best disco is the one in their own living room, where Cosmin can be a D.J., as he always dreamed of.
Several days later…
Location: Treehouse Garden
Flowers and decorations: Theodora Paraschiv
Bride’s dress: Divine Atelier
Make-up & Hair: Florentina Petre’s Hairstyle & MakeUp
Groom’s suit: Marsay
Candy-bar: Candy bar: PlayBake by Eliza Gutau
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