Daniel (Danu) este fostul nostru coleg de suferinta, din perioada facultatii. Am patimit impreuna cu el si am indurat conditiile grele de d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶e̶ cazare ale caminului. El ne canta la chitara, iar Dragos, pentru a-l acompania, punea muzica la maxim la boxele lui de maxim 1 Watt. Era o incantare sa-i asculti in noaptea dinaintea unui examen important, in timp ce incercai sa inveti o carte de 400 pagini fara poze.
Impreuna cu alti d̶e̶t̶i̶n̶u̶t̶i̶ colegi, se antrenau la Age of Empire sau Bomberman, intr-o retea LAN complexa, realizata cu cabluri lipite. Uneori, cand cei mai constiinciosi doreau sa-i cheme la o sedinta pe hol, nu trebuia decat sa scoata cablul de alimentare din switch si in timp record, erau cu totii iesiti din camere.
Pe Danu nu l-am vazut niciodata nervos. Tot timpul era calm, zambitor dar hotarat. Cu aceeasi atitudine a gasit-o pe Andreea, careia i-a fost imposibil sa spuna nu, la propunerea de a se casatori. Cine nu stie sa citeasca, poate urmari povestea lor, in imaginile de mai jos.
Daniel (Danu) is our former suffering colleague during college period. We suffered with him and have endured difficult conditions of detention accommodation. He plays the guitar, and Dragos, to accompany him, used to put music at the maximum volume of his 1 watt speakers. It was a delight to listen to them the night before an important exam, while trying to learn a 400 pages without pictures book.
Along with other prisoners colleagues were playing Age of Empire or Bomberman, in a complex LAN network, made from glued wires. Sometimes, when the most conscientious wanted to call them to a meeting on the hall, they could just switch out the power supply and in no time, they were all out of the room.
We have never seen Danu angry. He was always calm, smiling, but determined. With the same attitude he has found Andreea, whom it was impossible to say no to his proposal. Those who don’t know to read, can follow their story in the pictures below.
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