Edi nu rateaza nicio ocazie de a-si arata abilitatile de business. Chiar in ziua nuntii, avea in masina cateva piese auto pe care urma sa i le livreze finului sau, Darius. Chiar daca este un bun antreprenor, nu s-a asteptat ca cea mai eficienta afacere din viata lui sa se incheie in urma vanzarii unei asigurari RCA. La celalalt fir al povestii, nici Nyana nu se astepta ca povestea ca o poveste de dragoste sa inceapa cu “buna, am inteles ca vinzi asigurari RCA”.
Nyanei ii place sa faca muulte poze, iar Edi nu mai poate de bucurie de fiecare data cand este rugat sa apese pe buton. Ea isi tine mereu telefonul pe silentios si nu raspunde, mai ales cand Edi are de rezolvat ceva important.
De dragul Nyanei, Edi face sacrificii: chiar daca nu este fan cinema, merge frecvent, deoarece are alaturi o adevarata cinefila. Este rasplatit inzecit, deoarece Nyana este o fana inraita a echipei Chelsea, si urmaresc impreuna meciurile, in timp ce Edi prefera echipa Real Madrid. Nici in ziua nuntii nu au renuntat la pasiunea lor, iar melodia pe care au intrat in biserica a fost o reinterpretare a imnului Champions League.
Mancarea cu care l-a cucerit Nyana pe Edi a fost ostropelul, iar amandoi au inventat reteta lor de shaorma. Noi am crezut ca rasul Nyanei din pozele de nunta se datoreaza personalitatii noastre placute si glumelor cu care am incercat sa destindem atmosfera, insa am aflat cu stupoare ca motivul este ca Edi ii soptea intruna la ureche cuvantul magic: ostropel.
PS: Daca ar fi ca Nyana sa aleaga intre un buchet de flori frumos si o sharoma, ar alege shaorma fara sa stea pe ganduri.
Edi doesn’t miss any opportunity to show his business skills. Even on his wedding day, he had in the car some spare parts to be delivered to his friend, Darius. Even if he’s a good entrepreneur, he didn’t expect that the most efficient transaction in his life would happen after the sale of a car insurance. On the other thread of the story, neither Nyana expected that a love story would start with “hello, I found out that you sell car insurances”.
Nyana likes to take a lot of pictures, and Edi is overjoyed every time he is asked to press the button. She always keeps her phone on silent and doesn’t respond, especially when Edi has something important to solve.
For Nyana’s sake, Edi makes sacrifices: even if he is not keen on cinema, he goes frequently, because he has besides him a real film fan. He is tenfold rewarded, because Nyana is a Chelsea fan, and they are watching matches together, while Edi prefers Real Madrid team. Even on the wedding day, they didn’t give up their passion and the song they entered in the church was a reinterpretation of the Champions League anthem.
Nyana conquered Edi with a stew, and they both invented their shaorma recipe. We thought Nyana’s laughing on the wedding pictures was due to our pleasant personality and the jokes we tried to relax the atmosphere with, but we found out with amazament that the reason is that Edi whispered to her ear the magic word: stew.
PS: If Nyana will have to choose between a beautiful flower bouquet and a shaorma, she would choose shaorma without thinking too much.
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