FLORIN: Imi plac plimbarile lungi, sub lumina slaba a stelelor, salata, si sa dau cu aspiratorul.
SARAH: Florin, nu jucam jocul ala in care trebuie sa spui lucruri despre tine si noi sa ghicim care sunt minciunile.
FLORIN: Bine, incerc… Imi place sa lucrez si sa vad rezultate. Imi place mobila veche, masinile de teren (intr-o zi, Sarah imi va cumpara un Volvo XC 90). Imi plac concediile scurte si calatoriile prin orase cu case vechi…dar cel mai mult imi place sa o stiu pe Sarah fericita.
SARAH: Acum este randul meu. Incep prin a spune ca imi plac carnetelele liniate si am atat de multe, ca scriu intai pe cele mai ‘urate’ sau cu foi de matematica. Daca nu s-ar simti pe cantar, as manca cate un desert dupa fiecare desert mancat, atat de mult imi place dulcele. Cred ca meseria ideala ar fi regizor, pentru ca poate decide ce muzica poate sa incununeze un film bun. Eu, cand imi place o melodie, o ascult pana incep sa o urasc.
FLORIN: I like long walks, under the stars’ low light, the salads and to vacuum the house.
SARAH: Florin, we’re not playing that game where you have to say things about yourself and we have to guess which of them are lies.
FLORIN: Ok, I try … I like to work and to see the results of my work. I like old furniture, off-road vehicles (someday, Sarah will buy me a Volvo XC 90). I like short vacations and traveling to cities with old houses…but most of all, I like to know Sarah happy.
SARAH: Now it’s my turn. I start by saying that I like lined notebooks so much, that I first write on the ‘ugly’ ones, or on math notebooks. If it wouldn’t feel on the scale, I would eat dessert after every dessert eaten, that much I like sweets. I think the ideal job would be as a film director, because he can decide what music can complete a good film. When I like a song, I listen to it until I start hating it.
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