Intotdeauna am privit ca pe un fenomen extrem de fascinant relatiile care transcend granitele, cultura sau limba materna.
Te nasti intre granitele unei tari si intr-un an pe care nu-l alegi. Continui viata invatand o limba si deprinzand niste obiceiuri specifice locului in care te-ai nascut. Mananci sarmale, salata boeuf sau telemea. Intre timp, departe de tine, se naste tot fara a alege, cineva care mananca hering, gouda, stamppot sau stroopwafel. Traiesti fara sa stii unul de celalalt, pana cand intr-o zi, viata te aduce unul langa altul la 10.000 de metri in aer si de atunci inainte nu mai poti trai unul fara celalalt.
Niels si Alexandra lucreaza impreuna in transportul aerian. Dimineata sunt in Oman, seara poate in Bangladesh. Distantele se anuleaza, timpul se comprima. Ajung mereu la timp oriunde, insa nu traiesc dupa ceas. Uneori calatoresc in timp, pentru ca in zborurile lor, castiga ore. Este posibil ca acest lucru sa-i fi facut sa elimine barierele si granitele dintre ei. Noi am putut povesti doar un singur episod din viata lor, unul limitat in timp si spatiu. Tic, tac!
We’ve always considered as an extremely fascinating phenomenon the relationships that transcend borders, cultures or mother tongue.
You get born between the borders of a country and in a year you do not choose. You continue life learning a language and engaging in habits specific to where you were born. You eat cabbage rolls, boeuf salad or cheese. Meanwhile, away from you, is born without choice, someone who is eating hering, gouda, stamppot or stroopwafel. You live without knowing each other, until one day, when life brings you together at 10,000 meters in the air, and from that moment on you can no longer live without the other one.
Niels and Alexandra work together in the air. In the morning, they are in Oman, in the evening maybe in Bangladesh. Distances are canceled, time is compressing. They arrive on time anywhere, but they don’t live by the clock. Sometimes they travel in time, because in their flights, they earn hours. This may have made them remove the barriers and boundaries between them. We could only tell just one episode of their lives, one that was limited in time and space. Tic, tac!
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