We are Dragos & Madalina, husband and wife. Or those who like to create stories in images. We live in Bucharest, but we would be more than happy to travel anywhere to narrate your wedding in pictures. And when we say "anywhere", we only exclude North Korea, and that's because we don't like that dude's haircut.
photos of us by Be Light
Many told us we’re talented. I know it's not good to look in one’s mouth like a dentist, but sometimes we leave the audience with a stunned face, like one. We are tired of cliches and we are always looking to keep our minds as fresh as an orange juice.
We are graduates of "International Business Relations" and "Business and Administration", but we are inclined more serious like the Tower of Pisa to the creative area of life. Our aesthetic sensor is set to detail and we like the well polished humour.
Multi ne-au spus ca suntem talentati. Stiu ca nu e bine sa ne uitam in gura tuturor ca un dentist, dar putem uneori sa lasam auditoriul cu fata luminata si gura cascata asemenea unuia. Suntem satui de clisee si cautam mereu sa ne pastram o mentalitate fresh ca un suc de portocale.
Suntem absolventi de "Relatii Economice Internationale" si "Administratie si Afaceri", dar avem inclinatie mai serioasa ca Turnul din Pisa, catre zona creativa a vietii. Senzorul nostru estetic este setat pe detaliu si ne place umorul fin ca dupa polish.
Our photographic journey began when Dragos realised that only one paddle spins the boat in one place. So he decided to propose Madalina to share with him a corn puffs bag for a lifetime.
Periplul nostru fotografic a inceput in momentul in care Dragos si-a dat seama ca doar o singura vasla invarte barca in loc. Asa ca a decis sa-i propuna Madalinei sa imparta impreuna o punga de pufuleti pentru toata viata.
We believe that "less" always means "more". We like minimalist things and tasteful decor.
Some say that the basic unit of society is the (prison) cell, but we still believe that the family is the foundation.
Even if we are convinced of this, we came to a conclusion: marriage is not for any of us. Marriage is for the partner with whom we have decided to stick " for better or for worse", for his fulfillment and to support him.
We will never be neither for the left nor for the right, as long as God is in the center.
Noi credem ca "mai putin" inseamna intotdeauna "mai mult". Ne plac lucrurile minimaliste si decorurile de bun gust.
Unii spun ca celula de baza a societatii este celula (inchisorii), dar noi credem in continuare ca familia este temelia.
Chiar daca suntem convinsi de acest fapt, am ajuns la o concluzie: casatoria nu este pentru niciunul dintre noi. Casatoria este de fapt pentru cel alaturi de care am decis sa ramanem "si la bine si la greu". Pentru implinirea celuilalt si pentru sprijinul sau.
Nu vom fi niciodata nici pentru stanga nici pentru dreapta, atat timp cat Dumnezeu este in centru.
For Dragos so loved Madalina, that he used "Feather", which was her surname before Dragos called her in his soul.
Din dragoste pentru Madalina, pe care o chema "Pana", inainte s-o cheme Dragos in sufletul sau.
photos of us by Olga Moreira
♥ Madalina cannot stay up late and Dragos cannot wake up in the morning
♥ Our favourite cartoon is "Life with Louie".
♥ Basically, Madalina eats only chocolate.
♥ Dragos appreciates the photographers who viewed more photos than they have shot.
♥ Madalina throws away the toothpaste tube when is half empty, Dragos squeeze the tube 'till the last milligram ... if he gets it before her.
♥ Dragos loves happy socks.
♥ Madalina sits comfortably on the sofa, but she feels best in Dragos’s arms.
♥ Madalina nu poate ramane treaza pana tarziu, iar Dragos nu se poate trezi dimineata.
♥ Desenele noastre preferate sunt "Viata cu Louie".
♥ Practic, Madalina mananca doar ciocolata.
♥ Dragos apreciaza fotografii care au vizualizat mai multe fotografii decat au facut.
♥ Madalina arunca tubul de pasta de dinti pe jumatate gol, Dragos ruleaza tubul pana la ultimul miligram... daca mai apuca.
♥ Lui Dragos ii plac sosetele colorate.
♥ Madalina sta confortabil si pe canapea, dar cel mai bine sta in bratele lui Dragos.
We believe that every event photographed by us, means new friends gained. We invite you to browse our portfolio to meet those already gained.
Noi credem ca fiecare eveniment pe care il fotografiem, inseamna prieteni noi castigati. Va invitam sa parcurgeti portofoliul nostru pentru a-i cunoaste pe cei castigati deja.
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