Avantajul freelancingului este ca poti incheia Q4 fara a face bilantul anului si nimeni sa nu-ti trimita mail cu “kind reminder”. Cand tu esti si angajatul si managementul, daca bate cineva la usa inboxului, ori e constiinta ori ai tulburari de personalitate. E Q1 2024 si am finalizat contabilitatea primara a anului 2023. Asteptam feedback. Cu stima!
- 52300 km parcursi
- 6000 oameni noi intalniti
- 71 cupluri fotografiate
- 498852 declansari de shutter
- 83545 fotografii editate si livrate
- 154 cold brew tonics baute de Dragos
- 320 flat white baute de Madalina si cam tot atatea ciocolate (de mici dimensiuni) disparute din sertarul de dulciuri
- 6 perechi de adidasi cumparate compulsiv si irational de Dragos
- Numar nelimitat de fluturi in stomac ce-au zburat prin esofag cautandu-si calea spre “vrei sa fii sotia mea?” sau “te iubesc!”
The advantage of freelancing is that you can end Q4 without closing the year-end balance sheet and no one sends you a “kind reminder” email. When you’re both the employee and the management, if someone knocks on the door of your inbox, it’s either your conscience or you have personality disorders. It’s Q1 2024, and we’ve completed the primary accounting for the year 2023. Waiting for feedback. Best regards!
- 52300 kilometers traveled
- 6000 new people met
- 71 photographed couples
- 498852 shutter releases
- 83545 edited and delivered photos
- 154 cold brew tonics drunk by Dragos
- 320 flat whites drunk by Madalina and roughly the same number of small-sized chocolates disappeared from the sweets drawer
- 6 pairs of sneakers compulsively and irrationally bought by Dragos
- Unlimited number of butterflies in the stomach that flew through the esophagus seeking their way to “will you be my wife?” or “I love you!”
LIGHT Laughters
Connections & emotions
First look
Kids will be kids
First dance
Those who cannot speak
Party like there’s no tomorrow
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