Geanina s-ar duce cu o zi inainte la aeroport, pentru a se asigura ca nu rateaza zborul, in timp ce Codrin e ok si daca ii este strigat numele in difuzorul din aeroport. E precauta si nu ii place sa intarzie, in general, dar Codrin stie ca nici ceilalti nu vin la timp. Geanina are intotdeauna nevoie de cateva grade in plus la centrala. Sunt adeptii filosofiei de viata care spune ca decat sa fii trist si fara ciocolata, mai bine fericit si cu ciocolata. Cand merg in vacanta, Geanina face itinerariul iar Codrin apare direct cu valiza la aeroport. Tot el e responsabil cu incuiatul usii, si pentru a se asigura ca totul este in regula, o verifica de 10 ori. Chiar si asa, la cateva secunde dupa ce a incuiat se mai intoarce o data.
Geanina would go to the airport one day before, to make sure she doesn’t miss the flight, while Codrin is ok even if his name is called on the loudspeaker at the airport. She is cautious and doesn’t like to be late. in general, but Codrin knows that the others don’t come on time either. Geanina always needs a few extra degrees on the heating system. They are followers of the philosophy of life that says that instead of being sad without chocolate, it’s better to be happy with chocolate. When they go on vacation, Geanina makes the itinerary and Codrin shows up directly with the suitcase at the airport. He is also in charge with locking the door, and in order to make sure that everything is ok, he checks it 10 times. Even so, a few seconds after locking it, he comes back one more time.
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