We are Dragos & Madalina, husband and wife. Since 2018, responsible with Olivia’s happiness. We write authentic stories with light, humour, creativity and emotion. The superficial ones call us “wedding photographers”. We live in Bucharest, but we would be more than happy to travel anywhere to narrate your wedding in pictures. And when we say "anywhere", we only exclude North Korea, and that's because we don't like that dude's haircut.
Suntem Dragos & Madalina, sot si sotie. Din 2018, responsabili de fericirea Oliviei. Scriem povesti autentice cu lumina, umor, creativitate si emotie. Unii, mai superficiali, ne spun "fotografi de nunta". Locuim in Bucuresti, dar am fi mai mult decat bucurosi sa calatorim oriunde pentru a va relata in imagini nunta. Si cand spunem "oriunde", nu excludem decat Coreea de Nord si asta pentru ca nu ne place frizura tipului.
We like our lives to be full of wonderful experiences we can share, not of expensive items we can brag with. The objects can bring happiness, but they wax old or go out of style, while experiences are an inexhaustible source of happiness, through memories. Therefore, we want to travel, meet new people and discover amazing places.
Ne dorim ca vietile noastre sa fie pline de experiente minunate pe care sa le impartasim, si nu de lucruri scumpe, cu care sa ne laudam. Obiectele pot aduce fericirea, dar se invechesc sau se demodeaza, pe cand experientele sunt o inepuizabila sursa de fericire, prin intermediul amintirilor. Prin urmare, ne dorim sa calatorim, sa cunoastem oameni noi si sa descoperim locuri uimitoare.